Rental Metrics

Market Score: 96/100

How well is this market performing out of 100? The score is based on how the market has performed across demand, revenue growth, seasonality, regulation, and investability. (Metrics Gathered from AirDNA)

No Data Found

No Data Found

Annual Revenue: $206.2K

What's the median revenue a property in this market generated over the last 12 months? (Metrics Gathered from AirDNA)

No Data Found

Occupancy Rate: 58%

How often was an active property occupied on average over the last 12 months? (Metrics Gathered from AirDNA)

No Data Found

Average Daily Rate: $1.1K

How much did hosts in this market charge per day on average over the last 12 months? (Metrics Gathered from AirDNA)

No Data Found

RevPAR: $620.7

Calculated by dividing total revenue generated by the number of available properties in the market. (Metrics Gathered from AirDNA)

No Data Found

Listings by Cancel Policy

(Metrics Gathered from AirDNA)

No Data Found

Listings by Minimum Stay

(Metrics Gathered from AirDNA)

No Data Found

(Metrics Gathered from AirDNA)

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